ANEW Counseling Services
Frequently asked questions
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Special training and education are required to become a skilled couples/family therapist. Being able to understand why certain dynamics exist AND guiding healing interactions can be challenging. Often times, people seek counseling when relationships begin to fracture. Feelings are hurt. Motivation to “try again” may be at its’ lowest. Many of the couples that I have worked with tell me that they have tried counseling before and it “didn’t work.” They feel that there is something wrong with them when in fact, it may be a poor fit with a previous therapist, or that therapist did not have the proper training. When I work with individuals, I am mindful of the other systems that play an important role in the client’s life.
How are couples counseling and family counseling different from individual counseling?

The only professions that prescribe medication are doctors, other specially trained medical professionals (such as physician assistants), and psychiatrists (a medical doctor with specialized training).
I do not start with the presumption that a client needs medication. We may have a conversation about the potential benefits and risks, but ultimately it is your choice. For some, medication has helped give them a step up so that they can do the work. Research has shown that the combination of therapy and medication provide the greatest change. Alternatives and lifestyle changes may be an option as well.
Are you able to prescribe medication? Will you recommend medication?
What if my partner or
spouse won't come for couples counseling?
I would encourage you to come on your own. Frequently once you do, your spouse/partner will want to join you, but even if they don’t, I can coach you in ways to improve your relationship without his or her participation in counseling

I accept cash, checks and credit cards. I offer a sliding scale if requested and paid for at the time of service. I will also provide you with a receipt in the event that you need to submit to an insurance company or Flex Plan Health Care reimbursement. I can also accept many insurances through Harmonia. To see if we can accept your insurance, please check our website at www.Harmonia-Madison.com

I have heard that you offer counseling from a Christian perspective. What if I don't want that?
As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I strongly believe that my work with clients is driven by who they are and what they want to achieve. I would never to push my own agenda or beliefs in your sessions. My clients have found me to be open-minded and accepting of who they are and what they believe. For many people, their spiritual beliefs are a source of strength. If your faith is important to you and wish to have your faith to be a part of our sessions, please let me know.

I'm a parent and I am worried about my teenager. How do you work with teens?
As you may guess, effectively working with an adolescent and his or her parents can be quite a balancing act. For the intake session, I prefer to have the whole family (or at least the parent(s)) participate for a portion of the session. Strengthening the family relationship is an important part of my work. From the start, I make it clear to the teen that the most important relationships they will ever have is with their parents; that means I won’t hold secrets when it means that their safety is at risk. This can include thoughts about suicide, risky behaviors, being hurt by someone or thoughts about hurting others. My method is to give the teen a choice of how we present the information with you, not if we tell you.
I'm a teen; will you share any of the things that we talk about with my parents?
This is a very important concern. I will be upfront and honest with you so that you can make an informed choice about what to share with me. I want you to have a safe place to talk about what you want to; everything that you tell me will be private -- unless I am worried about your safety. If that happens, we will talk about how to share this with your parent(s).